Happy New Year Letter

Happy New Year!

A new year is among us, and boy, are we excited for it. We are looking forward to a productive year as we meet, prepare, and help students achieve their potential in becoming dental assistants. We recognize becoming a dental assistant takes commitment, hard work, and a learning experience that applies hands-on training. At The Core Foundation, we are committed to teaching our students the skills they need to succeed as a dental assistant and build relationships with patients, and for our students to receive results from our program.

Our instructor, Emiley Baldwin, has a variety of experience as a dental assistant and instructor. She’s the best resource our students to have to learn from with her experience, knowledge, and skills. Emiley is a committed instructor who is dedicated to making sure her students understand what they learn but also the importance of it, plus she makes it a fun, learning experience that is sure to get you more excited about your dental career. Just see for yourself what you can be a part of in the next coming class session. 

new year letter  new year letter  new year letter

We look forward to assisting our new prospective students and seeing the journey our previous students have taken. If you’re interested in becoming part of The Core Foundation Family, you can enroll in our Dental Assisting Program that starts January 7.  


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