dental administration program

Get To Know More About Dental Administration

Are you interested in a dental career but want to stay away from the clinical side of the profession? If that’s the case, you can start a career in the dental administration where you can expect to work in the front office. Dental administration is an umbrella term we use to encompass the various positions you can find while working in a dental clinic which contributes to their functionality.

Before we get into detail about various jobs found in dental administration, we want to give you an overview of this particular area within the dental field. We know it can be challenging to make a decision when you have little to no knowledge on the matter which is why we want to shine some light on dental administration and the type of positions you can apply to at a dental practice.  

Dental Administration Job Outlook

As briefly stated, it is an area within the dental field where you can expect to be working in the front office. Your duties will mostly consist of clerical duties and dealing with patient accounts, insurances, and with the patients (note, you will not be able treating with patients but working with patients). With a certification in dental administration, you have more job prospects and opportunities.

There is a  10% job growth for management positions and average hourly pay of $14.00 for the dental office receptionists. With a dental administration certification, you have more opportunities to advance in your career.

As with the clinical aspect of the dental field, you can find a variety of dental administration positions where you learn about the business side of the dental health industry. Some of the jobs you can find and apply for are

There are various positions you can choose from and learn about which contributes to how a dental clinic functions as a whole. Each position has clerical duties but requires we possess excellent communication skills to effectively achieve an understanding between the two parties whether it is a patient, insurance company, or staff member. It gives us the business aspect of running a dental clinic from scheduling patients to specific dentists, creating treatment plans along with the financial agreement, and how to market promotions and the dental practice to prospective patients.

So, what do you need to become part of a dental administration position?


To be considered for a dental administration position, you should have a high school diploma and basic knowledge of computer software knowledge. There are certification programs for dental administration where you learn common procedures, accounting, office basics, and customer service skills. Some dental administration certifications prepare you both with the knowledge and experience you need before you graduate.

Depending on the dental practice, the educational requirements for the position can vary on what they look for in an applicant. For those who aspire to have an advance career, they can receive higher education than a certification to an associate’s degree or bachelors.

At The Core Foundation, we offer an online Dental Administration program where you gain knowledge and train to become part of the administration team in a dental practice. You are prepared with the necessary skills to apply for an entry-level position at a dental practice to begin your dental career.

For more information on our dental administration course, you can visit  our course page for details and cost. Since it is an online program, you can enroll anytime and learn at your own pace.

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