Quick Tips to Succeed In a Growing Industry

Quick Tips Success

The dental industry is blooming and with it, the competitiveness and challenges that come from staying in the field and succeeding which is becoming more than just studying. You have to work hard and hustle to persevere in an industry that is growing.

When you enter the dental field, you have to be willing to continue to learn to succeed. Below, you’ll find some helpful tips on what you can do to succeed.

Never Stop Learning

Although this a standard tip for everyone in any job, it is the same for anyone in the dental field. With new technologies advancing dental treatments and practices, you want to stay current with the technology to avoid pitfalls of losing a patient and being an ineffective and inefficient worker.

In addition to learning new technology, taking the time to learn new dental disciplines can offer you a well-rounded knowledge of what makes a practice work and how others work. You may not have to work in that particular area of the dental field but acknowledging the work that is done can make you a better practitioner.

Network With Those Who’ve Been There

Friending colleagues who have accomplished and been where you want to be is an essential part of networking. Learning from others and learning to ask questions and for help is a step towards professional growth. Colleagues can guide and give you tips through your career. They can provide you with knowledge and even some expectation of what you need to do to be in the position they are. They are an excellent source of knowledge.   

Treat Patients Like Your Own Family

We are all patients in one way or another just how our family is too. We want to treat our patients with the same care and attention we would want to be given to our family. Asking ourselves “if this was my family, what would I recommend?” can help us step back and treat a patient on what is their best interest. Working in the dental field or any field related to medical health care is rewarding regardless of the money made for the practice and yourself.

Practice Self-Care

It might be odd I suggested this tip but, you need to care for yourself and body before helping another. You can’t expect to help some else when you aren’t physically or mentally healthy. Learning to listen to your body will help you stay healthy and strong which in turn enables you to be the best practitioner you can be.

These are just some of the useful ways you can kick-start your career to succeed. With a competitive field and the challenges that come you need to hustle. Do you have any tips you have received or used in the comments below?

Discover More of The Core Foundation and Why Choose It

Have you decided you want a dental assistant career but don’t know what program or facility to choose? There are many options to choose from when it comes to dental assisting programs. It can be overwhelming yet important to your education and future success as a dental assistant.

When searching for a program, you want to ensure you’re not only looking at the general information but which program will better prepare you for your studies and on the job. Each program will bring something to the table and for you to find a program that matches your educational goals and needs is critical to your success during and after the program has been completed.

Our training facility, The Core Foundation, has specially designed dental assisting programs to educate, train, and better prepare our students for their career. We developed our facility to have our students achieve success quickly and with great integrity upon the completion of their program.    

Career, The Core Foundation

Career, The Core Foundation

At The Core Foundation, our dental programs will provide you with the academic and hands-on clinical skills you need to succeed and keep you up to date with the most modern equipment and techniques used in the dental industry. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students to be exceptional dental assistants in addition to preparing them for the interview process.

If you’re interested in learning more about our training facility or have any questions, feel free to contact us at 801-747-8016. 

Discover the Difference between an RDA and CDA

Career, RDA and CDA

Are you interested or studying to become a dental assistant? If you are you’ve probably heard or seen some dental assistants have credentials as a registered dental assistant  (RDA) and credential dental assistant (CDA). What’s the difference between the two? Education is one of the significant differences since one requires more training and further study.

Before you begin your career as an RDA or CDA, here is what you need to know to see if you’re eligible or what you will need to do to get the credentials you want.

Registered Dental Assistant (RDA)

A registered dental assistant has gone through more training than other dental assistants; it is all dependant on each state’s requirements. As an RDA, you will be performing administrative duties and assist the dentist with equipment and at the chairside, in addition to performing other tasks such as x-rays, administering topical medication, taking impressions, or polishing teeth.  

To gain a career as a registered dental assistant, you’re expected to complete a dental assistant program and a state license or certification. Most states required the program to be accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA). There are programs which last a year or less and award a diploma or certification then, there are Associate’s degree programs available but are two years to complete.

After you’ve finished an approved program, the state will administer an exam (practical, written or both) and you’ll have to meet the experience requirements need to have the RDA credential. Each state’s exam may vary, and you’ll need to take it for where you plan on practicing. Some states may mandate you to complete continuing education to maintain your registration.

Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)

A certified dental assistant assures they’re prepared to perform competently in dental care. Certification is granted by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) after you’ve passed an exam and met an appropriate education and experience requirement. The exam consists of three multiple-choice exams in the following areas, radiation health and safety, general chairside assisting and infection control.

The certification demonstrates you meet the DANB set standards indicating competency and reliability in dental assisting. Each state has their regulations of duties that are performed by a dental assistant so verify you know what the state requirements where you intend to practice.  

As a CDA, you’ll be responsible for maintaining and updating dental records, scheduling, attend to the patient as you prepare them for the dentist, ask about their dental health, and inform them of dental healthcare techniques. You might have other tasks such as taking x-rays and molds of the patient’s teeth.

If you trained on-the-job or graduated from an unaccredited program, you’re eligible to take the national certification exam but only after having completed two years worth of full-time dental assisting work experience.

Do you have to have one of these credentials? No, but it’s not a bad idea to get registered or certified. Some employers may require one or the other or are looking to fill a dental assisting position with credentials. Having credentials is beneficial to you because you’re adding value to yourself and employer.  

Ensure you know what you need for each credential to see if you’re eligible to be registered or certified. Take the steps you need to upgrade your education and professional value.  

Why is Networking Important?

Career Opportunity, why networking is important

Have you taken the time to branch out and network with other professionals? Sometimes we find networking to be awkward and uncomfortable, so we tend to shy away from meeting new people.

But…it’s part of the job.

It’s expected to happen; to meet new people and know more about the market, business, and industry. On the job, we have to be able to connect and communicate with others whether they are colleagues, managers, supervisors, or other professionals in different departments. Networking with people helps you build a knowledge source of professionals with experience and expertise.

So, what’s the importance of networking?

It allows you to build and gain insight into the market and also opportunities. We’ve compiled a list of the importance of networking and why you should be active.

Advantageous to Job Searching

  • Part of the job search – most job positions are filled through word of mouth rather than employment advertisement.
  • Finding opportunities – lending or willing to help others within your professional network can open new opportunities. Lend others a hand, and they can lend you theirs when you need it.

Beneficial to Career Advancement  

  • Have access to a hidden job market – also known as the informal job market. Before a job position goes public through employment advertisement, your network can provide you with informal opportunities others don’t have access to immediately.
  • Staying visible – whether you have the job or not, staying visible is essential and a skill you want to master. Visibility helps you gain opportunities and stand out from the rest because people know who you are. These opportunities can come in the form of new positions or meet new people who are influential and can help advance your career.

Building Professional Relationships    

  • Developing connections – building relationships and connections with others in the company gives you understanding, insight, and knowledge of others and the different areas of the business. It makes it easier to collaborate and support one another to achieve and succeed together.
  • Building a foundation – a common factor in connecting and developing relationships is, others within your network have to “know, like, and trust you.” Why? This basic foundation in your connections allows you to gain access to career advancement opportunities, recommendations, guidance to the desired career, and the potential of meeting other professionals.

Source of Knowledge

  • Knowledge is shared – through your network you have a source of knowledge and expertise from others experiences. They can offer you a range of perspectives, wisdom, and insights on a specific area of a business or industry.
  • Provide guidance – your network can provide you with assistance and advice in your career. It can become a professional asset if you nourish your relationships.
  • Exchange of Ideas and Opinions – building a network of professionals within the same business, market, or industry allows you the ability to exchange ideas and opinions about it and to discuss current issues and solutions. It becomes a place where you can ask for help, ask questions, and get to acquire more knowledge and insight.

Networking is part of our every day and is a critical part of our careers. The people we meet and build professional relationships can always lead us to new opportunities in our jobs where they didn’t exist before. The more you broaden your network, the more insights you get and potential opportunities that are offered to you. Networking doesn’t take place in the workplace but anywhere, even when you volunteer your time and service.

Grow your pool of professional experts within your business, market or industry; you never know where your network can lead you to.    

Transferable Skills and Their Importance in Changing Careers

Whether you’re looking for a new job or switching to a new career, one of the aspects we have to evaluate is our skill set. Our skills are critical when making a change because, like any other job, employers seek specific skills that define our ability to work for their company.

Our skill set is defined by our knowledge, abilities, and experience we have that are often categorized into hard skills, soft skills, and transferable skills. They all play a role in the career we have now and will in the future depending on the direction we choose to take. If we plan on switching careers, we need to assess our skills and which of them are transferable skills.

But first, what are transferable skills?

They are skills and abilities that are relevant and transferable across different areas of our lives mostly our professional life. Often they are referred to as “soft skills” or “core skills” since they apply to any career and situation. Transferable skills are categorized into interpersonal, communication, technical, and organizational skills.  

They’re skills we acquire through schooling, internships, work experience, and voluntary work which demonstrate we’re adaptable and can fit the job regardless of previous experience if it isn’t relevant.

So, why is it critical to have transferable skills?

With how workforce and industries are changing, we need to have more than knowledge in our field of study. We need to have skills and abilities that demonstrate we can adapt and communicate in work environments and function effectively and efficiently within a team and also individually. It is a skill set showing our competency in a business world where we’re expected to communicate, network, team build, and have leadership.

These skills are becoming valuable and essential to have and develop since employers not only look into finding employees that fit the job, but also fit in the work environment and the work culture that has been created. It lets employers know what you can bring to the table, what you’ve learned from other work experiences, how quickly you learn, and if you’re an asset. Having transferable skills indicate you can be an asset to a company regardless the experience if you are planning on switching careers.

Taking a few minutes to assess our skills and which are transferable from one career to another is critical to pinpoint in marketing ourselves to the profession and industry we want to work for. It lets us know what we need to work and improve on and what other abilities we need to acquire whether through schooling or on our own.  


Why Soft Skills Are Important to Your Career

When you’re searching for a job or have a one, you need to have the hard skills known as technical skills that determine specific knowledge and skills, skills that can be measured and taught through programs, courses or schooling. But in addition to needing hard skills, you need soft skills to succeed in a job.

What Are Soft Skills?

They’re intangible skills that determine your interpersonal skills. Mostly, they are the attributions, personality traits, social cues, and communication skills we need to succeed in a job. Soft skills are harder to define and evaluate since they’re skills that can’t be taught in a course because they take time to develop over time and have to do the person’s character.

Why Are They Important to Acquire?

Unlike hard skills, soft skills promote human connection. Skills needed to build and maintain human relationships and career advancements. In any job profession, you will be interacting with people whether it is a co-worker, manager, boss, client, or customer. The way you communicate with others is crucial to how your relationships build over time, how others interact with you and how you approach life. Not everyone has a set of soft skills and some need to improve on them.

Today, companies and businesses are becoming more dynamic and in need to interconnect and be flexible which is why soft skills are critical to have. Having soft skills are what ensures having a productive, collaborative, and healthy work environment. There are skills hiring managers, companies, and businesses look for to improve leadership, build a work culture that’s meaningful and encourage employee retention.

When you work in the medical field, this includes the dental field, having soft skills is crucial. You work with the patients, dentists, and other clinical staff. The way you communicate and your attitude is everything! To having patients come back, share concerns and questions, to trusting you, and having dentists and clinical staff work alongside you to collaborative teamwork to efficiently understanding the medical diagnosis, treatment plans, and medical records.

Various soft skills contribute to advancing your career and maintaining human connections. Skills such as

  • Oral and written communication
  • Leadership
  • Collaborative teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Critical observer   
  • Dependable
  • Independent
  • Compassionate

These are just some of the skills you can learn or improve on since they are skills which are easily transferable to any job. We are always interacting with people and the further we develop on our ability to communicate, work together, and be personable, the better chances we have to advance in our careers and be a great asset. Not only will help us in our professional lives but personal because they are skills we continuously use. If you want a review on how soft skills are impacting your career and the dental field here is an article to read.      

5 Things to Know Before Changing Careers

Have you been thinking of a new career? There is a lot to consider when making a big decision such as changing careers because more than one area of your life will be affected. Changing profession can be daunting and sometimes we don’t always get the support we need from those in our profession.  

A career change can be great move to take since it can lead to finding or working in the profession of your choice or in a business that aligns more with your core values and what you seek in a job. But what do you need to know before changing your careers?

Here are five things you should know before making a career change. We’ve come up with five things, or tips, you should know before making a move to a new profession. Research is critical in making this big step.

  1. Invest time. Investing time on yourself and research is crucial to the process of making the change. What do we mean? Take the time to know what you want professionally, what your core values are, what kind of environment you would like to work in, your strengths, and skills you have. This is the first initial step you want to take to in gathering as much information as you can on yourself and understanding the assets you can bring to your new career and industry.
  2. You don’t have to know so much yet. Going into a new profession means, you may not know everything right away, and that’s okay. However, you do have to have some knowledge of the industry such as the obstacles the industry faces and the company, how you can offer solutions from previous experience, skills, and knowledge you may have. There will be moments when you may not know something, however, having an eagerness to learn and having a humble attitude is important in transitioning careers.
  3. There will be disappointments. You’re everyday tasks, and responsibilities will change and with them, the application of skills and knowledge you have. There will be challenges and obstacles you’ll need to navigate and ask yourself how you will overcome them and be willing to learn. Keeping realistic expectations of the job is important to have when entering a new profession.
  4. Create an action plan. A plan that is detailed and clear for you to outline into achievable steps and what has to be done first. An action plan you will be able to execute and carry out over the time you are transitioning to a new career.
  5. Overhaul your resume. This is a given, but we don’t mean tweaking your resume just on a few sections. You’ll have to rebuild your resume to fit into the industry you want to work in, and that demonstrates your skills and knowledge are transferable. Take the time to know what the industry is looking for in a candidate and how you better display your skills and experience in that new industry.

Changing careers is a more common now than it was before years ago. There are more opportunities in the workforce that allows us to grow professionally and transition into a career we can see ourselves working in for years. Before making a change, we have to ensure it is the right move and what it is needed to make that move possible.

Research is a critical component of understanding and gaining more knowledge of what the new industry is about and what you as an individual need to make a career change. What steps are you taking to make the transition to a new career?


Why Dental Assisting is a Top Job!

Here’s a fun fact, did you know dental assisting ranked #25 in Best Health Care Support?

That’s right, according to the U.S. and World Report News, dental assisting ranks 25 for health care support and # 98 in the 100 Best Jobs. But why is dental assisting top job? There’s many factors which make this a top job and we’ve broken it down for you.


Yes, dental assisting offers more flexibility than you would think. How? You can be trained on the job! Most dental clinics will hire you as you train to become a dental assistant, but make sure you know your state’s requirements for training, certification and licensing before beginning. Or you can have the option of entering a program that merges the classroom and training together. Dental assisting allows you work within the profession to gain the skills and knowledge needed to become an assistant.

In addition to the flexibility given of becoming a dental assistant, you have flexibility with your work schedule. You can easily work as a full-time or part-time dental assistant, where you can set your schedule to where it will work for you. This will allow you to have the life and work balance you can enjoy.

Professional Growth & Development

Due to the ever-changing dental industry, the duties and responsibilities of a dental assisting will keep expanding. As an assistant you would be required to do more than care for patients as you take the roles of sterilizing equipment and some office work. There will always be room for growth as you develop more skills to keep up with the industry.

You can grow in a career where there is opportunities to become a leading dental assistant; not to mention, dental assisting is a stepping stone to becoming a dental hygienist or dentist. You’ll have the experience to make the transition to another dental career more smooth.

Average Stress Levels and Rewarding

If you are worried about stress; not to worry, stress levels for dental assisting are average. Meaning the stress levels aren’t too high where you are ripping your hair out or too low where there isn’t much to do. It’s a profession that gives you balance so you’re not leaving work overworked or frustrated. Who doesn’t want that?

Dental assisting is a very rewarding job. You’re in a healthcare profession specifically where you care for others. For those of you who enjoy working with others and help patients feel at ease, it can be very rewarding to be the person who brings that ease to patients. Essentially, you’re building long-lasting relationships with these patients every time they come. You get to know about their needs and meet new people which is not only rewarding for you but the patient as well.

If you’re interested in joining the dental industry as a dental assistant, you can begin by enrolling in our 12-week Dental Assisting Program.

What Does Our Dental Assisting Program Offer?

  • 12-week program
  • Both schooling and hands-on training
  • Intern in one of our two dental clinics in Salt Lake City
  • It’s fun, fast and affordable
  • AND it’s now offered online!

We offer students hands-on training within our dental clinics so they have a better understanding of what it is to be a dental assistant and to better prepare for the working environment they will be in.

If you’re interested in joining our program, feel free to contact Kathy Mitchell at [email protected].

Positive Words to Use in Your Dental Resume

Writing resumes can be daunting when you’re competing with a pool full of job applicants. We’re left thinking about what to write on on our resume. What will make us stand out from the rest besides work experience and skill set? These are questions that run through our heads as we prepare or refresh our resumes for job searches.

We get it; we’ve been there before and now, we want to offer you tips on how to better distinguish yourself from the rest of the applicants. Words are your best key to help differentiate who you are, what you know, and what you are skilled at.

The words we pick to describe ourselves and to express what we know makes all the difference. The way we word sentences, phrases and the words we choose are some of the ways you can better highlight yourself and skills you have that can add value and contribution to the company and your employer you want to work for.

So, what words do dental offices look for in the resumes of dental hygienist, assistant, or dentist? Words that demonstrate your soft skills letting dental offices know you’re capable of providing patients with understanding, comfort and most all safety. These could be words such as being compassionate, sympathetic, empathetic, or solicitous. Soft skills that are simple but direct demonstrate how you work with patients and the values you have within your profession, but gives a glimpse at who you are.  

When it comes to the hard skills, employers look for keywords that display the specific knowledge and abilities that are required to succeed on the job. Keywords describing skill sets you need to for the job occupation such as relevant credentials, software, or quantifiable skills. These are the skills which are learned, redefined, evaluated and measured. In the dental field these skills include, Dentrix, Eaglesoft, Dental Radiographs, or Operatory Preparation, just to name a few. These keywords or phrases display the knowledge you acquired and know which adds value and contribution to a dental company or clinic.

Highlighting your abilities and knowledge of your profession while giving a glimpse of who you are, as a person and co-worker, can make the difference in distinguishing you from the rest of the applicants. Word choice can either help bring the message directly and with value for a dental company or clinic.  

Why You Should Consider Trade School Over College

Are you trying to figure out what you want to do after high school? Or how to get your career started? Have you ever considered trade school? If you haven’t, you should! I know traditional four year college is the route we get told to go and pushed towards, but it isn’t for everyone.

So what can a trade school offer? Before I can answer, we need to know what a trade school is. Trade school, also known as technical or vocational school, focuses on developing a specific skill set and knowledge based on the career rather than a general education. These skills are developed through classroom instruction and hands-on training.  

Hands-on Training

This means a trade school offers you a less expensive alternative to education in less than four years. Trade programs usually run from 6 months to 2 years of completion which decreases your time in school and increases your time working in the field of your career. By having the opportunity to work in your career field, you’re able to network with people in the industry that can open possibilities of getting hired after graduation. Whereas in a four year college if you’re not actively participating in internships it becomes difficult to find a job because you haven’t acquired the real life work skills you need to succeed.      

Perks of Class Instruction

Trade programs offer courses in your chosen profession. There’s no need to pay for classes you don’t need or that dont apply to your career. You automatically start building your knowledge foundation from the first day rather than having to wait until the 2nd or 3rd year of your college career. Classes are smaller than an average college course which allows for more one-on-one instruction and time to engage and get questions answered. The most significant perk of trade courses are the experience and training you get that is needed to succeed in your career. This allows you to acquire the skills, knowledge and be placed in the working environment.

Less Expensive Alternative & Working in No Time

In a four year college, you’re likely to spend more money as tuition rises, college lifestyle increases (dorming, meal plans, laundry, etc), demand of books and material, and course fees and availability. Some courses have additional fees adding to the tuition and some courses are only offered every other semester or quarter which can set you back a year or two. Setbacks and additional expenses which aren’t planned for can increase your expenses and debt. Trade school offers a short completion at a cheaper cost and with less debt. Depending on the program you are in determines when you’ll complete the program and when you can start working. You’ll be learning high-precision skills where jobs can’t be exported to other countries for cheaper labor making the job search easier.  You’ll most likely be replacing workers who are retiring, making job security in that aspect.

Who’s Trade School For?

If you learn in an environment that incorporates hands on training and instruction, this might be for you. Placing yourself in a learning environment where you are more likely to succeed will help motivate and encourage you to continue and finish your studies. You might already know where you want to head with your career and want to get the experience soon, trade school is a great asset to have. You’ll be able to finish sooner and enter the workforce immediately upon graduation.

Traditional college may not be for everyone but it doesn’t mean you can’t get a higher level of education. Trade school is a great alternative for students who are recently graduating from high school or who want to enter the workforce running. Consider trade school as an option to traditional college and as a way of pursuing a career you can pay less for.