Inside Look: Treatment Coordinator

treatment coordinator

Are you interested in working in the dental field but not looking to learn the medical aspect of dentistry? We get it. But what if you still want to be part of the dental field.

Well, you still can!

Get certified in dental administration to become part of a dental team at practice. With a certificate in Dental Administration, you develop the skills, training, and hands-on experience you need to become a Treatment Coordinator, one of the main opportunities you have to build your career on.

We will be looking at a position which is often unheard of and what you can be doing in a practice setting. Let us get an inside look.

Treatment Coordinator

Treatment coordinators in a dental practice is a case acceptance position where they sell treatment. They are coordinate treatment plans following the dentist’s diagnosis and the patient’s choice of treatment. Treatment coordinators have a position that comes full circle. Their work consists of

  • Outlining and discussing with dentists the patient’s diagnosis and treatment options.
  • Explaining treatment options and what they entail to determine a patient’s best choice for treatment.
  • Answering questions or concerns over treatment options via person, phone, or email.
  • Laying out potential payment plans for treatment, during this process they go over coverage benefits and what patients will pay. This is the predetermination process before closing the case.
  • Following up with patients to move them through their treatment plan and ensures they are aware of their status in treatment and financially.treatment coordinator
  • Calculating acceptance rates and reports monthly summaries of statistics for the dental team.

Once a treatment coordinator has a case acceptance from a patient, they have to ensure a patient’s case gets completed; this is where the full circle comes. From the time the patient arrives in the office to the time treatment is complete, treatment coordinators are doing follow-ups.  

What Does It Take To Be A Treatment Coordinator?

Since treatment coordinators are continually interacting with dentists and patients, an absolute, necessary skill is communication. Communication skills encompass a variety of skills from

  1. Listening skills
  2. Verbal and written communication
  3. Nonverbal communication
  4. Interpersonal skills

treatment coordinator Being a treatment coordinator, means you have to be able to communicate effectively and clearly. Since you will be interacting with patients mostly, you want to be transparent, concise, and show empathy. You want to be able to educate your patients on their treatment options so they can make an informed decision. You want to have a friendly demeanor, confidence, and be respectful with dentists and patients when talking and discussing a patient’s case for treatment and finances.

In some cases, practices look for applicants who have prior experience and depending on the employer with a B.A or certification for educational level. The main thing is as a treatment coordinator; you want to be able to be confident in understanding dental terminology, procedures, and treatment, and be able to explain the information to the patient in everyday language. You might also want to be familiarized with dental software.

Get Certified!

Be part of a dental administration team! At The Core Foundation, we have an Online Dental Administration course where you can get certified in 6 months or less. With our online course, you can

  • Learn at your pace.
  • Create your ideal learning environment.
  • Take us anywhere with internet connection.
  • Learn the business side of dental healthcare.
  • Get hands-on-training experience.

With our program, you will be able to gain the skills you need to work within a dental office. If you’re interested in learning more about our program go to our Dental Administration Program page.

If you want to enroll in out Dental Administration Program, don’t wait and click APPLY NOW  

How To Become A Better Team Member

become better team member

Rare is a job where we do independent work, in a workforce where teamwork and collaboration are a part of making a company and culture, our co-workers are a big part of that experience and whether we fit into the company. We each play a role individually and together, and when we work with others, we look for “good team players,” which can be a subjective definition to each person.

For some working with others can be a challenge; however, we can not change how others work, but we can change how we approach teamwork efforts and improving ourselves as a team player. After all, working for a company means pulling together not only your efforts but the efforts of others to create innovation and achieve set goals.

We mentioned we search for “good team players” which is subjective in some form, what I consider to be a good team member may not be what you define it to be. Although, there are traits which are common in team members we define as making a good team player. So, what makes does it mean to be a team member in a company? Let us find out what it means and how we can improve professionally to become a better team member.

What Does It Mean To Be A Team Player?

Teams are created within a company for many reasons. You may notice each department has teams, but overall we are a collective team to move the company forward. Each team is focused on one-time projects or working on a daily basis to accomplish set goals for their department and company.

Being a team member can have various meanings depending on the company and department. But overall, a team member is a structural part of the company that moves it forward in accomplishing goals set within the department and the company. They are the people who can effectively communicate, create, implement, and coordinate among many other roles a team member. They are the gears of the company driving the energy forward to achieve results that produce.

Becoming A Better Team Member

As a team member, your tasks may vary from other departments but you are all working together to achieve tasks in less time and produce results. So, how can you become a better team player? As the point as mentioned above, there are universal qualities which make up the “good team player” we seek, of course, we need to account we all have different work styles we follow.

Even though we might not be able to change the way others work, we can improve how we work with others that might not only benefit us when working in teams but when we work individually. Here are some of the ways we can improve as a team player and professional.

  • Self-Awareness – insight into your strengths and weakness is one of the best ways of accepting and working efficiently. Recognizing our weaknesses allows us to acknowledge we need to work on them but also focus our attention to what our strengthens are and hone them. You want to be able to utilize your skills by tackling the role you are an expert in to function within a team.
  • Removing Negativity – negativity is a black shadow of energy that lingers and taints your behavior. It is toxic and creates stress. Negativity can come through complaints or nonverbal behaviors which can affect not just yourself but others around you. The negativity we create can infect others work environment which is why we want to learn how to remove our negativity whether it’s through taking a different approach to the task or taking a moment to verbalize what is causing you to feel negative and turning it into something positive.
  • Good Communication – working in a team requires us to have good communication, it’s a given. But one of the skills you want to refine is listening. By listening it allows us to pay attention to what is being said and felt. It’s not about being selective but understanding what is being said to act or respond to it.
  • Respect and Adjust to Others Work Style – we can’t assume we all work in the same manner as we do. We each have our way of reacting and doing our tasks. Understanding how our co-workers work and prefer to be communicated will help us adjust to their style and create a middle ground where both parties can talk and work together to avoid problems.
  • Share Interests – at first glance, this might be an odd one to think about but let me explain. When we focus on the interest of everyone and how to get there, a shift happens in work. By focusing on the interest of the team, we allow ourselves to strategize in achieving our team’s vision and retaining the goal we set out to complete.

These are just a few of the ways we can become a better team member within your department and company. When you are placed in a team, whether it’s a one-time thing or on a daily basis, you want to focus on the collaboration you have with your colleagues. After all, we each have our area of expertise we’re good at that allows us to combine our efforts with others to move forward a task and create innovation. Teamwork is an essential part of a company and the better we know how to work with others and understand and respect their work styles, the easier it becomes to work efficiently and without too many conflicts.

What are some of the ways you improve teamwork with your departments or company? Tell us in the comment section.

5 Key Skills to Have to Communicate Effectively

effective communication skills

What makes for effective communication? Communication is a skill we use every day, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, we use it. Some are good at it, others not so much, but the beauty of it is it’s a skill we can learn to improve if we set out to do so.

Effective communication is a critical aspect not only in our lives but in our professional lives. In a professional setting, the ability to communicate effectively is a necessary skill to possess and one that employers search for in employees. Working for a company or even being your boss requires you to be effective in communicating, rare is the sole act of working since we have to report or collaborate with others in a project or task.

Benefits of Effective Communication

The benefits of being able to communicate effectively at work go beyond clarification. It benefits us in all aspects of our job whether you are an employee or an employer. Communicating effectively can help us in the following ways:

  • Builds and Maintains Relationships
  • Builds a Team
  • Creates Clarity and Transparency
  • Manages Employees
  • Creates Resolutions
  • Contributes to Growth (as company and individual)
  • Promotes Innovation

These benefits can extend to the business of healthcare since we not only deal with our team and employer but with patients. As we know, patients are a crucial part of our business, and if we are to keep serving them, we need to be able to build and maintain long-lasting relationships with them. Serving our patients requires more than just serving their dental needs, we have to be able to create a relationship of trust where there are transparency and clarity. Effective communication plays into effect with the patient experience the patient looks for and wants from their healthcare provider.

We mentioned before it was a skill we need, however, what most don’t know is communication skill is a set of skills necessary to achieve effectiveness. So, what skills should we have to communicate effectively?

Effective Communication Skills Needed

We know communication can be difficult at times, but it is a skill we can improve on over time. However, it helps to know what communication skills we need to see what we can work on. There are five skills we need to have to achieve effectiveness when communicating, and they are:

  1. Listening Skills – Being an active listener is crucial to being a good communicator. As an active listener, you are taking the time to pay attention to what is being said and asking questions. The idea is to be able to comprehend to be able to respond.
  2. Non-Verbal Communication – Our body language and gestures are a tell-tale sign of what’s going on with what we say and what we hear. They usually express more than what we verbally say and can be unaware of the messages you send. Non-verbal communications can be eye contact, hand gestures, or even the tone of voice we use, we want to be careful how we use it and aware of other’s non-verbal communication.
  3. Clarity and Concise – Effective communication begins with saying less, you have to be able to articulate thoughts, ideas, and instructions with clarity and concisely. You don’t want to say too much; otherwise, you ramble. When we ramble, we lose the effect of our message and can either can two things in our listener, confusion or risk of being tuned out.
  4. Empathy and Open-Mindedness –  When we work with others or work with patients, we want to be able to show compassion. Empathy is a critical skill to have because it shows you are listening and respecting the other’s perspective and opinions. Which goes hand-in-hand with being open-minded about the conversation you enter and making it a productive one. Being open-minded means having the ability to be flexible in the conversation you’re in and to be able to listen and comprehend what is being said and what the other person’s views are.
  5. Feedback – A good communicator will be able to provide and receive feedback. The feedback that is constructive to allow for improvement and recognition where it is due. It can be in the form of emails, phone calls, or weekly status promotes motivations, clarification, and growth.

These are some of the skills we need to begin to become a good communicator. Remember a good communicator gives the opportunity to create room for improvement, motivation, and clarification. It is vital to business and building the patient experience our patients want and the one we want to offer.

How to Improve Communication Skills

If you want to improve your communication skills, you can! There are a couple of ways you can start to improve on your skills, of course, there are plenty more but here are just a few to get you started.

  • Start and end with key points – forces you to focus on the aspects which are critical to your conversation, huddle, or presentation. Not to mention it forces you to choose words and points carefully.
  • Be a listener – hear what your employees or patients have to say before responding to them. Let them know you are listening to understand before speaking out. It helps avoid interruptions, over talking and disrespecting one another.  
  • Engage and know your audience – to be effective we want to be able to engage our audience whether it’s through a question or small activity. It helps to know your audience to be able to achieve a reaction from your audience.

Communication is a critical aspect in our lives and the more practice we get with it, the better chances we have at being good communicators. It’s a skill we need when working in business especially when working in healthcare and with patients. We want to be able to create an environment where we are open to express freely and with transparency. What are some of the ways you articulate your thoughts or ideas? Tell us in the comments below.

Time Productivity: Do We Have One?

Productive time

Do you think we are more productivity certain times in the day? Time is what we want. Time to do the things we need to get done and to do the things we love, but it never seems to be enough of it. Even with some of the tricks we read about in other articles, we still struggle to find the time. And, we can’t forget the myths about being productive hindering us from productivity.

Misconceptions of What It Means to be Productive

Yes, there are misconceptions of what makes us productive which can often work for some of us or not. What are they? Chances are you’ve already heard of them. To be productivity you have to maintain or have some of these conceptions, or so they say.

  • Need to be a morning person
  • Cleaning means organization and productivity
  • Putting more hours equals productivity
  • Just started without a plan
  • Work until a task is done
  • Need to be a multitasker
  • Incentives boost productivity

These are some of the misconceptions we have of what is to make us productive in our day-to-day life. Now, some of these misconceptions may or may not apply to all of us, but here’s why they’re misconceptions.

  • The need to be a morning person does not apply to everyone. There are some people what we consider as night owls who work at night and still get as much of the work done as a morning person. Every person has a time where they are more alert and focus than others, so to suggest we all need to be a morning person does not necessarily mean we will be alert to accomplish our tasks. Besides the most successful and productive people we hear of, have a routine where they use their time wisely and efficiently. Think about Steve Jobs who wore the same clothes every day; he eliminated wasting time on trivial decisions like what to wear.     
  • The need to have a clean workspace to work or get started on a task is one that doesn’t mean we are ready to work. Have you ever seen a cluttered desk? Well, some people work and accomplish their tasks when they have clutter since they already know where things are. These are one of the misconceptions which can work for some and not for others; the point is not to waste time finding what we have misplaced. Otherwise, the purpose to be productive is defeated.
  • Putting more hours equals productivity. Not the case, we would like to think we are 100% productive within the hours we dedicate; however, we need to take breaks. Our brain uses energy when making decisions or when we are focusing on problems that need solving or critical thinking skills. As we lose energy, we need breaks to help our brain recharge and focus for when we need it again. Working nonstop is detrimental to our health as it increases our stress which comes to us in many forms. If you’re placing more hours and getting more done, is not the same as being productive.
  • Digging into our work is in no way the same as being productive because as we mentioned before getting something done is not progress towards the result. Often starting without a plan can hinder us if it is not producing the results we want which now we would have to go back and redo therefore wasting time we could have been using more efficiently. Now, for some projects or tasks, you can dive right in and alter your work as you go, but again it doesn’t always work for everyone or every task. Starting with a plan will help you be productive.
  • Not stopping until the task is done is a long time to work plus what if the tasks take longer to complete? As previously mentioned, we lose energy as we work on tasks which is why we need breaks to recharge.
  • Being a multitasker is one we hear with frequency is not as efficient as we think. To be a multitasker, we are to be able to do more than one task at the same time. Although, we would like to accomplish two tasks at the same time, the constant shifting of duties causing us to split our time and focus.
  • In a previous blog, we touch on the incentives we set to motivate us which can also be used to give us a small temporary boost of productivity. They are temporary. So what happens once you’ve gotten your reward? You are back where you started.

We can’t learn when we are productive from other’s techniques or methods because it requires us to know how we work and when we are. Once we’ve figured out when we are more productive in the day, we can maximize it to our advantage.

Circadian System

Our circadian system is the internal clocks and rhythms we have that follow a 24-hour cycle or day. Our circadian rhythms and biological clocks relate to the way our body sends signals to other parts of our body and how alert and awake we are.

Our rhythms are often related to light and dark circadian rhythms where we are fully alert in the daytime and sleeping at night. Our circadian rhythm is related to our biological clock which is a timing device in the cells of our body. They help create our rhythms. So, why do they matter?

They matter because they tell us about when we are the most alert and when we are peaking. Our rhythms are formed from internal factors, however, there are external factors affecting our rhythms usually from light-dark cycles which can reset or slow down our circadian rhythms. Our circadian patterns allow us to determine our sleeping patterns that control a lot of our body’s production. Through light and dark cycles our body then gets information telling our body to produce melatonin to get drowsy. Aside from creating rhythms, we need to know our alertness levels created by our biological clocks last only short period before they dip and pick up and begin to dip again. It is during those times, we want to acknowledge when our circadian rhythms begin and dip to be able to make the most out of our time. When we make the most our rhythms and the time it happens, we increase our chances of being more productive in the day. We all have different rhythms, it just a matter of getting to know how ours works.  

One of the ways we can know is through recording our time intervals where we find ourselves alert, focused, and essentially having energy. Finding patterns our intervals allows us to understand the times our productivity is highest and when it is the lowest. For some, it can be in the early hours of the morning where there is no interruptions, distractions, and their energy levels are high, while for others it’s in the evening or night time when they get the most done when their alertness and focus is at its peak. We all have different times where we are producing the work we want to see other than checking things off a list. So tell us, when are you most productive?

For more information on circadian cycles check this post from the National Institutes of General Medical Studies.

Is Inspiration More Important Than Motivation?

Motivation or inspiration, what gets the job done? We often hear many leaders say we need to get motivated or we need to find what motivates our workers. Although it can be true, we sometimes need the motivation to start or finish a task or project; we don’t talk about what motivation is and how different it is from inspiration. So, when asked what gets the job done, motivation or inspiration, motivation does.

Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

Unlike inspiration, motivation is a driven reason or reasons we are willing to act upon in a particular way. Usually, it is short lived and caused by an incentive which pushes us to accomplish a project since there’s no longer a state of passion or driven force to fulfill a task. Motivation can propel us to move forward, but it is short lived and fades once it’s done. We also have to acknowledge that what motivates you will not motivate others. Motivation can be driven from fear, instant gratification, or reward, whatever it may be, it is subjective.

In the same way, inspiration is subjective; however, it has more longevity than motivation. Inspiration is someone or something that evokes an idea, a thought, or desire to create. This is where the longevity comes from. Inspiration is an influence that drives us to achieve and fulfill the idea, the thought, or desire we have. Unlike motivation, inspiration is a given moment we remember with clarity and is the starting point of something bigger which we strive to gain. Inspiration does more than inspire us, it is  

  • A foundation for motivation where we find ourselves driven by what inspires us and redefining our motives correlating to our inspired idea.
  • Looking at the bigger picture while working on the finer details to get to the final idea of what we aspire to create, change, or be.
  • A passion that moves us to create, to change, or be someone, something, based on what inspired us.

Inspiration is a stimulation to the mind, and often feelings, driving us to a passion for fulfilling our desire to create something. It is very distinct from what motivation does on its own, an incentive to fulfill what needs to get us on track to complete a task. They are both subjective, but motivation can be easily found whereas inspiration is more eventful in creating a desire and yearning in a person.

There is an article on Linkedin written by Darcy Hayer, Why Inspiration Is More Powerful Than Motivation, which goes into more detail on distinguishing these two terms, but also gives you examples of individuals who have been inspired and how its affected them in their life. It’s an interesting article if you want to see how they both differ, but you can also ask others around you to see what they think and if there is something that inspires them.

What do you think, is an inspiration more critical than motivation? Tell us in the comments below.


Happy New Year Letter

Happy New Year!

A new year is among us, and boy, are we excited for it. We are looking forward to a productive year as we meet, prepare, and help students achieve their potential in becoming dental assistants. We recognize becoming a dental assistant takes commitment, hard work, and a learning experience that applies hands-on training. At The Core Foundation, we are committed to teaching our students the skills they need to succeed as a dental assistant and build relationships with patients, and for our students to receive results from our program.

Our instructor, Emiley Baldwin, has a variety of experience as a dental assistant and instructor. She’s the best resource our students to have to learn from with her experience, knowledge, and skills. Emiley is a committed instructor who is dedicated to making sure her students understand what they learn but also the importance of it, plus she makes it a fun, learning experience that is sure to get you more excited about your dental career. Just see for yourself what you can be a part of in the next coming class session. 

new year letter  new year letter  new year letter

We look forward to assisting our new prospective students and seeing the journey our previous students have taken. If you’re interested in becoming part of The Core Foundation Family, you can enroll in our Dental Assisting Program that starts January 7.  


Holiday Note From The Core Foundation

holiday note

Merry Christmas!!!

From The Core Foundation, we wanted to wish ALL of our previous and current students and employees a warm and Merry Christmas! This year has been a hell of a ride and one we have enjoyed to the fullest as we see our students come in as beginners and leave ready to be the best dental professional they can be upon graduation. Each group of students we get brings something new to our training facility, and as they learn from us, we learn from them too.  

We have had some of the best students who are motivated, hardworking, and eager to learn about dentistry. We’re glad to have been part of your educational and professional journey. This month we’ve graduated our last group of students for the year 2018, and we wanted to wish you the best on your endeavors.

holiday note holiday note holiday note

Enjoy the holiday everyone and be safe. We hope to see and hear from our graduates as they embark on their new profession.


The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace and Learning Environment

Diversity important

Diversity is what is commonly looked for in a learning environment as it is in the workplace. We want to be in an organization where we can see progress, change, and inclusion in what they do as individuals and together. We seek to be in an environment that will grant us opportunities for growth and understanding which is given when there is diversity.

It is a common word used to describe some workplaces and to lure applicants to apply to work in their organization. So why is it essential to have? Find out how we can benefit from diversity.

Importance of Diversity

Diversity is defined as being composed of different elements, in this case, we are referring to the inclusion of different cultures in a group or organization that is important to have. Why? Recognizing and having diversity in a workplace and educational environment fosters a learning experience that allows more depth and understanding.

Diversity has something to offer you as a student and worker; you can benefit from. It provides an opportunity to broaden your learning experience and collaboration with one another and how it happens. Let us begin with an educational environment and how having diversity in learning atmosphere can be beneficial; I mean we all start as a student.

Learning Environment:

What fruitful experiences can diversity bring to our education and growth both academically and personally? Many, however, that is very dependent on how it’s acknowledged and the factors we consider into place when we think of diversity. The word alone is a broad term that expands beyond the racial and cultural differences which involve their customs, social and economic background, and gender. All factors play into working and learning better together. What can you expect to see?

  • Equality – equal chances in access to material, curriculum, and chances at succeeding. It gives educators the opportunity of seeing each of their students as individuals.
  • Safety – when educators recognize and reflect the diversity of the students, they create an atmosphere where they learn about each others difference but are comfortable with them.
  • Promotes growth and reflection – listening and learning from others different from other can help enhance our understanding and conversation.
  • Preparation – as students, we learn to collaborate and communicate with people of different cultures which serves us as preparation for a workforce that is slowly becoming more diverse than before.
  • Promotes concentration and creativity among each other.

Work Environment:

Just as it is important to have diversity in a learning environment, the same can be said for the workplace. Having cultural diversity in the workforce is beneficial to the employees and the business. It’s an effort which is slowly growing to include more diversity in places we work which help progress and move us forward as professionals and individuals. Expect to see these benefits when we include diversity in the work environment of our employees.

  • Increase Productivity – productivity increases as more diverse talents come together to produce a common goal while they learn and gain new skills and perspectives from one another.
  • Promotes Creativity – since we are most likely to learn about others experiences and gain new perspectives, we are opening ourselves to new possible solutions to problems.
  • Engagement – diversity among your teams, increases employee engagement where they can build a trust foundation among them and create a work culture.
  • Decrease Turnover – more and more employees are searching to work in an organization where there is diversity since it usually indicates progress.
  • Build a Reputation – company reputation is a critical factor to both the consumer and the employee. Diversity encourages employees to apply for your organization and promote loyalty among your consumers.

Aiming to have diversity in the workplace fosters new opportunities for both you and employees as they learn and understand each other. When we create foundations among each other, we are more likely to come together to aim for a common goal while increasing our productivity and motivation.

Why We Value Diversity In Our Program

At The Core Foundation, we value and aim to have a diverse group of students come into our programs to learn about dentistry but also for us to learn from them. Since our class sizes are small, we can create a close-knit culture of students. We have students that come from different cultural backgrounds that add to the experience of becoming a dental assistant.

How? As we learn about the anatomy of our mouth, we are also gaining skills and perspectives on how to communicate with other cultures without offending or misunderstanding each other. Each culture and customs are different, and we need to be able to pick up on the social cues to comprehend each other and communicate effectively. In our program, diversity comes in many forms, and they grant us learning experiences we can apply to our profession since we will be dealing with a variety of people.

How language Adds To The Diversity

Language is a contributing to diversity that requires the same attention and understanding as cultural diversity and other factors adding to it. Language is the way we communicate, express ourselves, and is a building block to creating relationships with others. Being able to communicate in the same language helps break down divisions and understand one another.

When you know and learn a new language, you also understand their culture, customs, and way of speaking. So, when the time comes to talk in the same language, you know how to do so. Knowing more than one language makes you a great asset where you are more likely to earn a bit more because you can communicate with more people.

At The Core Foundation and in the clinics our students fulfill their internship hours, we encourage and promote diversity among our employees and students. We found that it increases engagement among each other and learning opportunities. We gain new perspectives from our students and see how it shapes them to serve their patients better.


What Does Our Dental Assisting Program Have To Offer?

Dental Assisting Program offer

Selecting a dental assisting program is no picnic in the park, it’s a decision we can often ponder about and question whether it’s a fit for us. After all, we want to choose a program that will grant us with the education, knowledge, and experience we need to succeed as a dental assistant. In an age where experience is key to getting your foot in the door, we want to select a program with opportunities to apply hands-on training and experience to grow and develop into a dental assistant.

So, what makes The Core Foundation different from other programs? We are dedicated to training and developing our students to be the best dental assistant they can be. Working in a healthcare support position requires more than just knowing how to do the job, it’s about being able to go beyond the duties of your position by caring and understanding your patients to meet their dental needs and still giving them the excellent patient experience they expect and want. We’re focused on preparing our students to know their field, position, and the inner of workings of a dental office to help them succeed.  

What Does Our Dental Assisting Program Offer?

If you’re interested in knowing what our program can offer you, then let us begin by saying our program is designed to prepare, train, and develop you to be the best dental assistant while we commit to helping you receive extraordinary results from our program. Find out what we have to offer.

Onsite and Online

We’ve gone online! Our program is offered onsite and online where you have the option of choosing the best learning environment that suits your learning capacities. Not everyone learns in the same way, and we want to provide you with the best learning environment where you are likely to succeed.

Onsite: We have designated dates throughout the year for our onsite program you might want to check for enrollment. We’re currently enrolling for next year on Jan. 7, if you’re interested in applying, go to our courses. What do you need to know about our onsite program?

  • 12-week accelerated program
  • Evening classes Monday and Wednesday
  • Hands-on training
  • Internship opportunities/ resources  
  • Learning Tools/Resources:  laptop (Chromebook), scrubs, safety glasses, Cengage Learning Digital Textbook, X-Ray and CPR certification, and expanded functions.

Our goal is to have students ready to go on the first day to begin their education without delays as they get their supplies.  

Online: We’re online now! Take us anywhere from your living room to Starbucks to the library to collaboration hubs; you can now enroll online at any time!  With our online program, you have

  • 6 months to complete it (speed through or slow your pace, it’s up to you).
  • Externship Resources
  • Learning Tools/Resources: scrubs, Cengage Learning Digital Textbook, X-Ray and CPR certification, and expanded functions

   Our online program options are well suited for students who have a different learning pace than what we have going on in our onsite 12-week program and for those who excel in a learning environment where they are more independent in their studies and reaching for internship opportunities.

Our dental instructor, Emiley Baldwin, has 19 years of Expanded Function Dental Assisting experience, in addition to 3 years of teaching dental assisting. She understands the role a dental assistant plays for the patient, dentist, and overall practice. She has various experience working with dental specialties such as oral surgery, orthodontics, and pediatrics, to name a few. Emiley brings the fun in learning a new career while ensuring you understand concepts you’re learning in class. She is the best resource to have aside from the training you will receive from our in-house dental staff to better understand and acquire the knowledge and experience to succeed in our career.

Check out what students are saying about our program.

“I learned about The Core Foundation’s great program, and after receiving a program tour, I knew this was the place to start my learning. Plus it was affordable!  The Core Foundation helped to develop my understanding in the field of Dentistry from scratch.” – Michelle Collins

“I have had such a great experience at the core foundation. You can learn so much in just a short 12 weeks. I was hired as a full-time assistant before I even finished the assisting program and felt so comfortable starting in a dentist office. I’m so glad I attended the Core foundation!” – Lennox Foote

“The Core Foundation is an amazing school!! I really enjoyed learning everything I know!! The instructor Emiley is really good at teaching us what we need to know!! Aside from being such an amazing instructor, she has an amazing personality that helps you feel comfortable throughout the course!!” – Araceli Enriquez

If you want to find out more about the programs we offer at The Core Foundation, check out our programs page or feel free to send us a message via Facebook messenger.

How Can You Finance Your Dental Education With Us?

financing options

Are you ready to start your dental career but are hesitant to enroll due to cost? We get it! We’ve all been there at some point. It’s a common dilemma for most students who are interested in pursuing their education. Financing your education can be tricky especially when you are not opening yourself to the various options of funding. We know the costs of educational programs are high, but if they grant you with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and opportunity to apply your skills in the work environment, then the investment can go beyond gaining the information and skills you need to start.

If you already know where you are headed with your career and need experience, a trade school might be a great consideration as opposed to college or university. Not only will you be gaining the knowledge you need, but you’ll finish sooner and have the experience you need to enter the workforce once you’ve graduated. Trade school may be less expensive, but it’s still an expense that can have us questioning whether we should or shouldn’t. When it comes to our two CORE programs, Dental Assisting and Dental Administration, we want to provide you with a mini guide on how you can finance your education with us.

Financing Options

Before we start, we want to remind you that you want to ensure you have thoroughly researched your financing options and what you will be responsible for if you decide to go with one. So what are some financing options you can opt for when enrolling in our programs? Let us tell you.

  • Payment Plans – yes, you’re reading correctly, we offer payment plans. We’ve been assisting students in financing their education by allowing them a year to fully pay off their tuition. We do require a $500 down payment before funding the balance, which is cheaper than if you do it through a credit card.
  • Credit Card – there are many credit cards which offer no interest or a low-interest promotion that run for a couple of days, but keep in mind that you will be paying the interest rate of your card which is something to consider (do the calculations and see how much you’ll be paying). You might want to consult with your credit card company to ensure there are interest promotions or if you have questions.
  • Lending Agency – there are many to lending agencies that can make small personal loans with an interest that is determined by risk. Ensure you know all the details and terms before accepting. You always get a personal loan from a bank but again assure yourself of the terms and conditions.
  • Job – working part-time is another option you can take since our courses are offered in the evenings. It leaves room to work and earn money to pay as you begin your new career. If you choose our online course, you have more liberty in making your hours for work and your education.

*please keep in mind these are options, some which are not associated with us only the first option

We know the worries that come from financing your education. It can be a lot to take in and to consider, but if you have questions about our payment plans, we offer our students, feel free to contact us via Facebook messenger or email with Kathy Mitchell at [email protected].  For more options in financial assistance, you can go to our page here.

If you’re interested in knowing more information about our CORE programs, click on the program you want more information on.  

Dental Assisting   Dental Administration