The Benefits of An Internship

internship benefits

How many of you have thought about getting an internship? Often internships are known to be unpaid and just a way of doing menial tasks like getting coffee or making copies. Even though there are internships which can land you in a position of menial duties, you can still find some worth the experience and position.

They are a good way of testing the waters. If you want to be in a specific career, getting a feel for the position and work environment can determine whether you can see yourself in that profession. Internships can be beneficial in many ways and treat it as a job. We’ll tell you why in a minute, but first let us look at how we can benefit from doing an internship.

What’s an Internship?

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Is Experience Worth More Than An Education?

education or experience

Is experience more important than education? It’s a question we continue to debate and think about then and now. Has the meaning of an education and experience change? Deciding which is it has become difficult to answer since various variables can lean us one way or the other, but it’s not to say one is right from the other.  

As a child, we’ve been told getting an education is critical to finding a good paying job and finding some stability. For some, it’s a saying which sticks with us well on to our college or university years and into adulthood, while for others it’s a saying that becomes irrelevant since it can no longer apply to their lives. We know it can be a tricky question to ask and answer. But instead of finding a clear concrete answer, we want to take part in the discussion.

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What To Know About Being A Dental Assistant

dental assisting Program

Are you looking to become a dental assistant but not sure? We understand the hesitation that comes from choosing or transitioning from one career to another. You want to get as much information as possible to understand the possible outcomes and risks of getting into the career you want. Within the dental industry, you have a variety of options to choose from of the kind of profession you want whether it’s assisting or becoming a dentist.

We’re going to be discussing the possibilities of becoming a dental assistant and fun facts you should know about a dental assistant. The more we know about a profession, the more likely we are to come to a decision.

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How to Build Connections With Patients

patient connections

As a healthcare professional, we often process more health information and medical procedures than we do on improving or gaining new communication skills. Communication is as important as having knowledge and experience in your medical field to be able to connect and provide your patients with the best dental care they deserve.

Part of connecting with your patients is the ability to communicate effectively which adds to their overall patient experience. Aside from being able to explain to our patient’s dental health, we want to educate them in their health so, they can play a role in having a healthy smile. When we connect with our patients, we want to make sure we are hitting the following main points

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Breaking Communication Barriers in the Workplace

communication barriers

In the workplace, we are often met with challenges whether it’s from the daily tasks, projects, or the people we work with on a basis. There are challenges we that can hinder and prevent us from working in an environment which runs smoothly. The barriers which create roadblocks for a company to run smoothly is more commonly rooted in communication.

Communication is a barrier we often find ourselves struggling with at times and don’t realize we need to improve on to be able to sync with our co-workers and managers, at times, for the workflow to produce outcomes and involvement we want to see from one another.   

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Should We Still Be Paying Our Dues?

paying your dues

Have you ever heard someone tell you, you have to “pay your dues”? It has been a common phrase then and can often be used now. More of a traditional phrase, it has been used with the mindset of the need to work hard to get to the position we want. However, in a changing job market and workplace environment, not to mention a new generation of workers, we are starting to see a shift in what “paying your dues” mean and the outcomes that come from doing so.

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Inside Look: Dental Office Manager

dental office manager

Are you thinking about expanding your dental career beyond medical responsibilities? If you are, you can now start a career in dental administration. It is an education blend of dental health and business to prepare you for dental administration positions from a treatment coordinator to account manager to dental office manager. There are many positions you can choose from, but today we want to give you an inside look at what a dental office manager does and how you can become.

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FAQ for Our Core’s Programs

FAQ Core programs

Interested in attending The Core Foundation, but want to know more about us? Well, now you can! We know it’s important to choose a program that is right for you. There are many factors to consider when choosing your program especially one we want to build our career on now and in the future.

We’ve compiled a list of questions we get asked about our training facility and Core Programs. Now, you can get your questions answered in one sitting. Learn more about what we have to offer and what you can expect from us.

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5 Things To Expect From Our Core Programs

5 expect core programs

What do you look for in a study program? There are many factors to consider when choosing where to study and the type of program they offer. Maybe it’s the location, faculty, courses, or resources and opportunities they have available to their students that make our decision. Choosing a program which can offer more than the knowledge is usually the preference we prefer.

Like any other experience, we want to have a valuable learning experience which can alter the way we learn and obtain information. We all have different learning styles, and even though study programs can’t incorporate all of them, there are some which offer a learning experience which provides us with the opportunities others may not.

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